Biography - Micromosaico Filato Romano, Mosaico ed Arti Antiche

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Luigina Rech

was born in Orte (VT) in 1957. She lives and works in Rome. Start young her artistic journey in 1973 won a European competition for young artists (Arenzano GE).
In 1974 she joined as a student in the workshop of Master Vincenzo Renzi, mosaicist of Vatican Studio, where she learned the different types of ancient mosaic art. With creativity and originality specializes in spun enamels Micromosaic, a technique born in Rome in 1700. Her works are in private collections around the world.
Studying and reproducing the works of past masters and deepens over time, studies on ancient art: from the fresco, encaustic, egg tempera by the restoration. The distinctive feature of the artist has always been the love and passion for the study combined with historical and documentary techniques. Study and reworks the ancient Roman chrysography "drawing on gold with diamond point."
For some years in her studio-laboratory has been handed down to young and old, her knowledge in the various techniques and in February 2010 upon completion of this experience took place in Rome in the Church of Artists (Basilica di Santa Maria in Montesanto) an interesting exhibition: " DE ARTE ILLUMINANDI "- In Micromosaic’s studio by Luigina Rech.
Among the most significant events:
Rome, the Orsini Chapel "HIV - From banning to knowledge" (collective). Rome, Linux Club "Visions of humanity - Human Rights" (collective ongoing). Zagarolo (RM) "The Ariadne's Thread" (collective). Ed 2006, 2007, 2008. Rome, "Law for Children's Rights" (collective). Capri (NA), Cerio Centre "II Ed. Laetitia Cerio Award "winner (collective). Rome, 360 ° Library "The fountains of Rome." Amalfi (SA), Mao Museum Maugeri "Signs and Dreams" (collective). Rome, "The Wire Water" (collective). Messina, Ecolab "Bottles artist" (collective). Rome, the Artists' Atelier "150 ° Souvenir d'Italie" (collective). Capri (NA), Cerio Centre "Futurism in Capri" (collective). Sorrento (NA), Villa Fiorentino "Sorrento Art Contest" (collective). . Rome, Villa Pamphili - Casino dell'Algardi - (participates as an assistant conservator at the conservation and restoration of stone). Rome, Santa Severa Castle -"Inside the Restoration" demonstration of restauration of a icon. Piazza Armerina (EN), Diocesan Museum "opened Shipyards" (participates as an assistant conservator at the conservation and restoration of some works of the Diocese). Rome, Basilica of Santa Maria in Montesanto - Church of the Artists "Patron Saints of Europe and EU Countries" (collective). Rome, the Orsini Chapel "... Magnani, Mangano, Morante .... "(Collective). Rome, Basilica of Santa Maria in Montesanto-Church of the Artists "Venite adoremus" VI Ed. Rome, Hangzhou (China), Berlin, Ljubljana (Slovenia), Crnomelj (Slovenia), "30x30 = 900" (collective ongoing). Rome, Museum of Roman Civilization "A window in Ancient Rome" Culture Week XIII.

Solo exhibitions: Rome, Galleria Savelli (exposure). Rome, Universal Rome Souvenir (which is constantly). Rome, Basilica of Santa Maria in Montesanto - Church of the Artists "From darkness to light" Capri (NA), The Boockshop "Goldenblues".
In 2010 the artist has exhibited in a touring exhibition "Mosaic of CAPRI ROME-lights" in three different places. The project is supported by several local institutions has been thought of as a common thread among the stories that have joined the island of Capri to the city of Rome in antiquity and artistic experiences of the author. This resulted in a sharp reminder of the works with the old, but with a strong contemporary component, specific desire to combine the old with the new, past and present merge in a solution of continuity trying to learn as much as possible to creation of what 'idea of beauty that could lead to future generations aware of the importance of historical memory.
The exhibition took place in Rome, the Basilica Santa Maria in Montesanto-Church of the Artists. Capri, Cerio Museum Exhibition Halls. Anacapri, the Church of San Michele Arcangelo.

In 2011-2012 she has collaborated with Studio Cassio - Mosaic Art as an artist and teacher.

His works have been acquired from both private and important locations:
Church of San Michele Arcangelo - Anacapri (NA)
Diocesan Museum - Piazza Armerina (EN)
Town of Anacapri (NA)
Basilica of Santa Maria in Montesanto, Church of the Artists - ROME
Edwin Cerio Museum - CAPRI (NA).

Currently, she's artistic activity in her studio-workshop in Via dell'Angeletto 11 in the ancient Rione Monti in Rome. (near the the Colosseum)

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